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Surprising Facts About Exercise

One of the most common New Year's resolutions on everyone's list is to workout more. As a Physical Therapist I am a huge advocate for exercise and improving overall fitness, but it can be hard to know where to start. This barrier is why most people can't seem to get going.


I'm here to share some facts that will hopefully give you that nudge to get over that barrier. Best part-you don't need to jump right into a high intensity CrossFit workout to see the benefits of exercise. It can be as simple as walking.


Just 10 min of very light exercise (walking, yoga, tai chi) showed improved connections in the brain in areas related to detailed memory processing.


If you have pain, just 20 min of low-moderate intensity walking caused exercise induced immediate hypoalgesia, a decrease in pain sensitivity, after a single bout of exercise.


Starting simple sets you up for success on your fitness journey. If you have pain or an injury that is preventing you from achieving your fitness goals, I am here to help.


Here's to a healthy 2024!

Lauren DeYoe

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Reiki Master

Owner Reiki PT


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